• Oropharynx. This is the upper part of the throat that can be seen when you say "ahhh." It also includes the tonsils. • Nasopharynx . The nasopharynx is behind the nose and above the oropharynx. It cannot be seen directly, but is viewed with a mirror or a scope. • Hypopharynx. This is the lower part of the throat (pharynx) where food goes just before we swallow it. • Larynx. The larynx (voice box) is in the front of the neck in the region of the Adam's apple. • Metastatic squamous cell cancer to cervical (neck) lymph nodes . If a cancer that is discovered in lymph nodes in the upper part of the neck is squamous cell (or epidermoid), it is usually a metastasis from a head and neck cancer. Unless some other primary source can be found (such as lung cancer), this tumor is generally treated as a head and neck cancer. It is important to know that this type of metastatic